There are so many different kinds of events where hiring Accent Limousine can truly enhance your enjoyment.

Accent Limousine is happy to accommodate your needs for any occasion where arriving in a limousine makes you feel special!:

  • Golf Tournaments
  • Concerts/Events
  • Christmas Light Tours
  • Hire a Chauffeur
  • Special Requests

Accent Limousine is located in Kelowna, but we are happy to drive to many places within British Columbia. Whether you are just going around Kelowna, or you want to go to other areas, just let us know and we can discuss your needs.

For any special occasion, Accent Limousine can provide you or your group a wonderful and luxurious time!

Interested in BOAT TOURS ON LAKE OKANAGAN? Check out our friends at Kelowna Water Taxi Cruises!

Add to your limousine outing by combining a luxurious boat tour on Lake Okanagan with Kelowna Water Taxi & Cruises.